Want to work online but don’t know where to start? There are a lot of sites and links being shared on Facebook that claims you can earn online but mostly are just scams, affiliate links, pyramiding or a MLM sites. This is why I’m sharing sites that can help you find a legitimate online jobs. Although these are legitimate platforms, I would still advise to be vigilant and careful.
I started working as a freelancer or a virtual assistant I think around 2011-2012. I worked on different contracts like Customer Service Representative, Virtual Assistant, and others. And this year, 2017, even after I got my college degree, I chose to become a virtual assistant. (I will tell you why on another post.) Now, after posting about it on my Facebook account, I’ve received several comments and private messages about it. Believe it or not, these jobs are not a scam. They pay freelancers from $350-$900 monthly. Sometimes, they pay even more than that, there are contracts that pays as high as $10-$20 per hour.
Your jobs depends on the contract that you will get. Basically, you will send a cover letter to a client. You have to make sure you send an impressive cover letter as these clients get 200 or more applications everyday. Make sure you stand out. The next process will depend on the client, like how many interviews, etc. But in this blog post, I want to focus on the online job sites that are not scams.
I started in oDesk and eLance, these sites are now gone, but they now merged and rebranded to Upwork.com. They are now one of the most popular freelancer platform. For beginners, Upwork is okay, but personally, I prefer other sites like onlinejobs.ph. Upwork gets a percentage of your earnings, very much like working for an agency, which is why I prefer onlinejobs.ph. My current VA contract is with onlinejobs.ph. I get my pay in full with no charges from the platform.
Aside from these sites, I also compiled a list of other freelancer platforms that offer online jobs that are not scams. Although they are not scams, please be careful because a client can scam you, just like a freelancer can scam the client, so always be vigilant. Avoid clients or platforms who will ask for a payment to earn, and avoid sites who will require you to invite people to earn. The links I will provide is not an affiliate link, which means I will not earn or benefit if you click and sign up from these sites.
- https://www.upwork.com/
- http://www.guru.com/
- https://www.onlinejobs.ph/
- https://www.peopleperhour.com/
- https://www.fiverr.com/
- https://www.truelancer.com/
- https://freeeup.com/
- https://www.freelancer.com/
- https://golance.com/
- https://www.myoutdesk.com/
- https://hubstaff.com/
- freelance.com
- http://www.myoutdesk.com.ph/
- http://www.virtualangelhub.com
- http://www.virtualstafffinder.ph/
As for pinoyforhire.com and remoteworkmate.com, the sign up process is different. For pinoyforhire, it’s owned by my previous client, according to him, although they are virtual assistants, they have an office which is based in Bicol. So basically, you will not work at the comfort of your home.
Aside from those I mentioned above, there other sites like:
- outsourcely.com,
- iworku.com
- remote.co
- http://www.coolpixels.com.au/
- http://www.virtualstafffinder.com/
- outsourced.ph
- http://www.virtualcoworker.com.ph/
- remotestaff.com
- www.freeeup.com
- http://bottleneck.online/
I also found a list of legitimate online job sites which I got from: https://web.facebook.com/freelance.favorites/videos/1229119800548071/?hc_location=ufi. The list is longer as it doesn’t only cover freelancer platforms. It also includes other online jobs like design and tutorial platforms. Note that some of the sites may have been repeated from the list I provided above.
- https://www.upwork.com/
- https://www.peopleperhour.com/
- https://www.fiverr.com/
- http://www.guru.com/
- https://www.truelancer.com/
- https://freeeup.com/
- https://www.freelancer.com/
- https://golance.com/
- https://www.onlinejobs.ph/
- https://www.myoutdesk.com/
- https://www.mturk.com/mturk/
- https://zeerk.com/
- https://199jobs.com/
- https://www.outsourcely.com/
- https://hubstaff.com/
- http://raket.ph/
- https://99designs.com/
- https://www.toptal.com/
- https://themeforest.net/become-an-author
- https://envato.com/careers/
- https://themeforest.net/affiliate_program
- www.51talk.com/ph/
- http://acadsoc.ph/
- http://www.bizmates.ph/apply-now/index.html
- https://www.rarejob.com.ph/
- https://www.cambly.com/english
- https://www.limlessons.com/
- https://bibo.com.ph/
- http://www.nicetalk.com/ (Smartfone Tutorial)
- www.ipalfish.com/ (Smartfone Tutorial Download by Appstore/ Playstore)
- https://gotranscript.com/transcription-jobs/r/69165
- http://transcribeme.com/transcription-jobs
- https://scribie.com/freelance-transcription#intro
- https://www.verbit.ai/
- https://www.rev.com/
- https://www.speechpad.com/worker
- https://appenonline.appen.com.au/login
- http://www.civimom.com/
- https://waywithwordsjobs.com/
- http://www.accutranglobal.com/
- http://crowdsurfwork.com/
- https://verbalink.com/jobs
- https://workshop.castingwords.com/worker/login
- http://www.civimom.com/
- http://www.analysia.com/ (Click BECOME A TESTER link button)
- http://www.enrollapp.com/
- http://startuplift.com/get-paid-to-provide-feedback/
- https://www.testingtime.com/en/become-a-paid-testuser
- https://www.trymyui.com/worker/signup
- https://www.userfeel.com/
- https://www.userlytics.com/
- https://usertest.io/Tester/Signup
- https://www.usertesting.com/
- https://www.utest.com/
- https://app.whatusersdo.com/login
- https://voicebunny.com/
- https://www.voices.com/
- http://www.capitaltyping.com/employment/
- https://ttv.microworkers.com/
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/abdullahimuhammed/2017/06/16/79-websites-to-get-freelance-jobs-fast/#51ad28501688
- https://biz30.timedoctor.com/38-legit-filipino-work-from-home-job-sites-that-will-not-scam-you/
- https://crowdworknews.com/17-work-home-jobs-paying-weekly/
As I mentioned above, I will not earn or benefit from these links if you sign up. I shared them because I wanted to help my readers who are also interested to work online but doesn’t know where to start. Although this blog post is focused on sharing legitimate online job sites, I will leave a few and quick tips as well.
- Read and research. If you want to start working online, you should read and research about how to start working online and how to be successful. I may write about this in the future, but for now, I will just advise you to research other articles.
- Join Facebook Groups. There are communities who work online who could help you start build your career online.
- Take time building your profile and take care of your online reputation.
I could go on and on, but I will probably do it on a separate blog post soon. I wish you good luck in applying!
Feel free to subscribe on my newsletter or follow my social media pages if you want to be updated on my next blog post related to working online.
good job compiling these sites. saving this for future reference. thanks!
Thank you! 🙂