The Wellness Committee of People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) has been leading the celebration of National Wellness Day yearly. It’s main objective is to bring out emoloyee-health awareness and engagement among the PMAP members thriugh helathy learning and sharing of best practices.
This 2017, the Wellness Committee, celebrated The National Wellness Committee with a theme of “Creating a Culture of Wellness.” It hopes to imbed and direct the mindset towards holistic wellness. Which I believe, very important and timely for us Filipinos. In the learning sessions during The National Wellness Day, the series is a composition of enriching the mind, body and spirit through the help of speakers who are experienced on each of their own topics. The speakers are Marie-cor G. Militante, Carmie P. De Leon, Dr. Raymond Tapang, Dr. Agnes B. Galura-Famero, Dr. Hildegares C. Dineros, and Conrad Perreras.
The event was a highlight on the significance of wellness, no just on the physical bodies but also on the soundness of our minds and spirits. The sessions include yoga, SEED Lifestyle, Thyroid Awareness, stress therapy, and more. After the sessions, a panel discussion was held in order for the participants to have time to ask the speakers and raise issues regarding on the topic of each speaker.
The National Wellness Day was held June 30, 2017 at the PMAP Center, 670 Lee St., Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City. It was a day full of learning, gratefullness and holistic growth.
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