You With Me is a movie collaboration between Korea and Philippines directed by Rommel Ricafort. It tells a story about Kim (Devon Seron) who lives with her overprotective parents and found what she is looking for in Korea.
The movie is starred by Devon Seron, a former Pinoy Big Brother Housemate and actors Kim Hyun Woo and Jin Ju Hyeong from Glorious Entertainment. Kim Hyun Woo is famous for his role as Kang Tae Yang in The Gentleman of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop from KBS in 2016. Jin Ju Hyeong is known for his role in Hwarang, a popular Korean drama and is also currently on Suspicious Partner.
Movie Synopsis
Kim is in her late 20s and comes from one of the wealthiest Filipino families. Her parents set up an office for her at home, limiting her to work within the borders of her room. Her friend Mia, daughter of her nanny is an online English teacher to Japanese, Chinese, and Korean students. Kim decided to try what her friend is doing in the hope of exploring the world without leaving her house.
She finds new friends with the job she found and manages to escape to Seoul where she met Jayson. Jayson is a Korean businessman who is learning English in preparation for his deal with a big American company. The following events led her back to the Philippines. She discovers the truth from her family and struggles to resolve the issues with Jayson.
(Thank you to Miss Shine Ricafort, Screenplay writer for You With Me for providing the movie synopsis.)
You With Me premieres this month, September 27, 2017. Official trailer will be released soon!
For more information:
Twitter and Instagram: @YouWithMeMovie
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