Huawei launched its highly anticipated flagship device last Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at the Solaire Resort and Casino: the new Huawei Mate 8. A breakthrough in power and efficiency, the device features the world’s most advanced smartphone technology which sets a new benchmark of amazing performance and long battery life. A productivity-driven mobile phone with significantly enhanced power, efficiency and top-end spec, Huawei Mate 8 is the new choice for the Filipino business achievers and game changers.
South Pacific Region, Huawei Consumer Business Group President Mr. Peter Tong regards the new Mate 8 as a strong follow-up to the brand’s 440% revenue increase in 2015 and track record of delivering high-end devices that reflect global consumer demand and inspire loyalty in their users. Aiming for a 10% market share growth through various premiumization strategies and efforts to stay connected with Filipino consumers, Huawei Mate 8 delivers “the new style of business” concept ideal for today’s on-the-go professionals, adds Mr. Tong.
After the unparalleled success of penetrating the fierce smartphone market in the Philippines, Huawei introduces a new choice to the trailblazers and business elites whose everyday routine requires multitasking and unimpaired connectivity.
Presenting Huawei Mate 8’s business elites.
World-renowned designer and visionary Rajo Laurel representing Mate 8’s design, furniture designer Jessica Kienle for Mate 8’s battery, PR maven and supermodel Apples Aberin for Mate 8’s connectivity, commercial director and triathlete Sid Maderazo for Mate 8’s camera, art curator and former Formula-3 racer Gaby dela Merced for Mate 8’s display, business mogul and sports enthusiast Victor Consunji for Mate 8’s security, Radio Republic’s Kelley Mangahas for Mate 8’s audio quality and celebrity chef Rosebud Benitez for Mate 8’s kirin chipset.
Showcased through a series of exciting tech exhibitions and experiential segments, the new Huawei Mate 8 has officially debuted! Media friends, tech enthusiasts, fashion, art and music influencers were spotted eyeing the world’s most advanced smartphone ever.
Designed for performance and efficiency. Featuring groundbreaking hardware, the Huawei Mate 8 delivers industry-leading power efficiency and an advanced six-layer thermal mechanics, which allows higher heat dissipation leading to excellent holding experience and lower power consumption.
Built for productivity. The Huawei Mate 8 offers hundreds of user experience tweaks, including a split-screen mode that enables multitasking between apps.
Smart and secure. The Huawei Mate 8 boasts about its fingerprint security with enhanced protection technology including a new sensor design that increases the unlock speed by 100%.
Stunning photography. With the first proprietary image sense processor, Mate 8 delivers faster focusing, higher clarity, more accurate color shading, and an 8-MP front camera with a beauty algorithm for taking the perfect selfie.
Globally connected. The Huawei Mate 8 supports global connectivity and more bands that any other dual-SIM phone, best for business travelers and wanderlusts.
Beautifully crafted. The Huawei Mate 8 features a refined, elegant design that highlights its beautiful 6-inch high contrast display. With its 2.5D curved diamond cut glass and aerospace grade aluminum metal, the new Mate 8 seamlessly provides you a sleek blend of beauty and practicality.
The new Huawei Mate 8 will be locally available starting March 6. For more details and information, you may visit
Source: Press Release. Photo source:
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