The number 1 on the list of of “Top 5 Foreign Bloggers Who Sincerely Love the Philippines and the Filipinos” and one of the “Top 5 of the World’s Best Male Travel Bloggers” according to Huffington Post, Kyle “Kulas” Jennermann now have his own travel show. “#BecomingFilipino: Your Travel Blog” is set to air on ANC (ABS-CBN News Channel) on August 14, 2016 at 7:30 P.M. with replays every Saturdays at 4:30 P.M. It will also be shown on TFC (The Filipino Channel.) Now with his new media platform, Kulas promises to continue to be his real self. He is contagiously happy, well-meaning and positive in featuring the stunning landscapes and endearing Filipino culture which many of us take for granted. The show will showcase not only our national treasure but also the compelling stories of the people he meets, their sentiments and aspirations, their unique values and traditions that are adorably Filipino.
Kulas is a 28-year old Canadian who visited 29 countries in Europe, North America and the Asia, yet fell in love with the Philippines. In those 29 countries, he had roughly took around 60 photos. But in the Philippines, he started taking a lot pictures and videos and even started his own blog. He was totally smitten by our country’s special charm and he decided to stay here for good. “Leaving the Philippines is my greatest fear” said Kulas during the press conference. He loves his country Canada, but for him, Philippines is his home.
“I have never experienced before what I got to experience in the Philippines. I have never met such kind, giving, friendly, hard-working, outgoing, proud and happy people. I have never experienced a culture like the Philippines; a culture that every single day inspires me, and that I look up to. It is a place where the natural environment is unbelievably beautiful. The waterfalls, beaches, mountains, rivers… I could go on and on about it. But what really inspires me about the Philippines is the PEOPLE. If you are Filipino and you are reading this. Thank You. Thank you for being Filipino. Thank you for being part of a culture where family isn’t the only family, but friends and even strangers are family. Where smiling is genuine, giving is natural and sharing is a part of everyday life. A culture that goes through a lot of really tough times and suffering, but still shares a great big SMILE.” – Kyle Jennermann.
Question and Answer portion during the press conference held last August 6, 2016 at the Legend Villas Hotel.
Note: I will be updating this post attaching the YouTube video of Kulas’ introduction of himself during the press conference within the week. Keep posted! 😉
#BecomingFilipino: Your Travel Blog Social Media Accounts
Facebook: Becoming Filipino Page, Kyle Jennermann, Becoming Filipino Your Travel Blog
Instagram: @becomingfilipino, @becomingfilipinoyourtravelblog
Twitter: Kyle Jennermann, Becoming FYTB
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